126 new 19-digit numbers turning into a palindrome after 261 iterations are found

January 25, 2017: Moscow, Russia

On January 18-21, 2017 our “1001 Palindrome Finder” using proprietary intellectual algorithm scanned the range of 19-digit numbers from about 1,999,290,300,000,000,000 to about 1,999,292,000,000,000,000 (spanning over 1.7 trillion numbers) and found 126 numbers turning into a 119-digit palindrome after 261 iterations.

None out of 126 found numbers was previously published, as we know from public sources (Most Delayed Palindrome, OEIS and others).

All found numbers turn into the same palindrome after 261 iterations:

We believe that the last and the largest of all discovered numbers sets both computational and theoretical limit for all 261-step sequences that are known. We named this number “The Largest Known Most Delayed Palindrome”.

In the nearest future we are planning to publish our results as well as “The Largest Known Most Delayed Palindrome”.