The last Chebyshev’s bias data became updated and available in our repository.
Category Archives: News
Chebyshev’s bias test range increased to 10^16
We further expanded Chebyshev’s bias test range 10 times to 1016. At the first stage, the tests will be run up to 5*1015. Expected time to complete the first stage – August, 2018.
Provisional 50th Mersenne prime M77232917 supports Collatz conjecture
On March 17th, 2018 our “3007 Collatz Tester for Mersenne Primes” (the improved version of “3000 Collatz Tester”) tested the provisional 50th Mersenne prime M77232917 for being in agreement with Collatz conjecture and supported it. Continue reading
We won top “Step Into The Future” award: EUCYS 2018 participation
Our research “Testing Chebyshev’s bias for prime numbers up to 1015” won the top award at the “Step Into The Future” science forum and will be presented at the 30th European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2018 in Dublin (Ireland) on September 14-19, 2018. The EUCYS was set up at 1989 to promote the ideals of co-operation and interchange between young scientists. The contest is the annual showcase of the best of European student scientific achievement. The Russian team of 3 students will compete among other students from 43 countries.
In addition, our research got the right to be presented at Intel ISEF final that is held in the USA every year.
Our research won “Step Into The Future” science forum
Our research work “Testing Chebyshev’s bias for prime numbers up to 1015” won “Step Into The Future” all-Russian science forum (a part of international Intel ISEF competition) that took place in Moscow on March 19-23, 2018. Continue reading
We won “The best presentation in English” award at “Step Into The Future” science forum
Our presentation “Testing Chebyshev’s bias for prime numbers up to 1015” won “The best presentation in English” award at the “Step Into The Future” all-Russian science forum that took place in Moscow on March 19-23, 2018.
Our research won “Mathematics and its applications in modern technologies” section of “Step Into The Future” science forum
Our research presentation “Testing Chebyshev’s bias for prime numbers up to 1015” became the only winner of the “Mathematics and its applications in modern technologies” section of “Step Into The Future” science forum that took place in Moscow on March 19-23, 2018. Continue reading
We participated in “Step Into The Future” science forum
Between March 19th and 23rd 2018 we participated in all-Russian science forum “Step Into The Future” with our research work “Testing Chebyshev’s Bias for prime numbers up to 1015 “.
“The Practical Realization of a Cryptographic System Based on One-Time Pads” (in Russian)
We are publishing the short presentation of our paper called “The Practical Realization of a Cryptographic System Based on One-Time Pads” (in Russian) that won the top award in the Computer Science section of the Intel-Avangard conference (the part of Intel ISEF) on February 22-25, 2018.
OTP 20180219 v3.0FINALOur cryptography presentation won the top award at Intel-Avangard conference
On February 25, 2018 our cryptography paper and presentation “On practical realization of one-time pad cryptographic system” won the top award in the Computer Science section at Intel-Avangard conference, which is a part of international Intel ISEF competition. Continue reading
All Chebyshev’s bias data available at our repository
February 01, 2018 we made all our data on Chebyshev’s bias available at our repository. Continue reading
New and unknown 10th sign-changing zone in Chebyshev’s bias for ∆{4;3,1}(x) found
On January 20th, 2018 our “4000 Chebyshev Bias Tester” completed testing all primes up to 10*1014 and found a new and previously unknown 10th sign-changing zone for ∆{4;3,1}(x), where the value of ∆{4;3,1}(x) equals to -1. Continue reading
Number of steps in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes from 46th to 49th published in OEIS
On November 14, 2017 our data on number of steps in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes with the provisional index from 46th to 49th were included in OEIS as a comment to A181777. Prior to this A181777 contained information up to the 45th Mersenne prime only. Continue reading
Number of steps in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes available for download
The data on the number of steps to reach one in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes from the 1st to 45th (the last with confirmed index) became available for download from OEIS (A181777). The full sequence from the 1st to 49th Mersenne prime (the last known as of today) could be downloaded from our repository.
We continue to publish our results in due course.
Number of steps in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes published
On September 22, 2017 our data on number of steps in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes were included in OEIS as an addition to A181777. Prior to this A181777 contained information up to the 42nd Mersenne prime only. Continue reading