Trajectory of the last out of 126 discovered 19-digit numbers, turning into a palindrome after 261 steps, included in OEIS as A281507

The trajectory of the last out of 126 discovered by us 19-digit numbers, turning into a palindrome after 261 steps, is officially included in OEIS as A281507. The result after each of 261 steps is also published.

Sequence of 126 19-digit numbers turing into a palindrome after 261 steps included in OEIS as A281506

The discovered sequence of 126 19-digit numbers (125 of them never reported before) that turn into a palindrome after 261 steps is officially included into OEIS as the sequence number A281506. The list of these numbers is also published.

125 new 19-digit numbers turning into a palindrome after 261 iterations are found

January 23, 2017: Moscow, Russia

On January 17-19, 2017 our “1001 Palindrome Finder” using proprietary intellectual algorithm scanned the range of 19-digit numbers from about 1,186,060,000,000,000,000 to about 1,186,062,000,000,000,000 (spanning over 2 trillion numbers) and found 126 numbers turning into a 119-digit palindrome after 261 iterations. Continue reading

Trajectory of the last out of 225 discovered 19-digit numbers, turning into a palindrome after 259 steps, included in OEIS as A281301

The trajectory of the last out of 225 discovered by us 19-digit numbers, turning into a palindrome after 259 steps, is officially included in OEIS as A281301. The result after each of 259 steps is also published.

Sequence of 225 19-digit numbers turning into a palindrome after 259 steps included in OEIS as A281390

The discovered sequence of 225 19-digit numbers (224 of them never reported before) that turn into palindromes after 259 steps is officially included into OEIS as sequence number A281390. The list of these numbers is also published.

“1001 Palindrome Finder” available for download

Our “1001 Palindrome Finder” is available for download. Please, visit our Downloads page to try it!

“1000 Palindrome Tester” available for download

Our “1000 Palindrome Tester”, turning any number into a palindrome trough sequencial iterations, is available for download. Please, visit our Downloads page to try it.

224 new 19-digit numbers turning into palindromes after 259 iterations are found

January 05, 2017: Moscow, Russia

On December 26-27, 2016 our “1001 Palindrome Finder” using proprietary intellectual algorithm scanned the range of 19-digit numbers from about 1,000,000,075,000,000,000 to about 1,000,005,000,000,000,000 (spanning over 4.9 trillion numbers) and found 225 numbers turning into 119-digit palindromes after 259 iterations. Continue reading