On April 23nd, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 108864 (one hundred and eight thousand eight hundred sixty four) 19-digit delayed palindromes with record 261-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome.
Each of generated delayed palindromes was independently tested by our “1002 Palindrome List Tester” that fully confirmed its properties.
Before January 1st, 2017 there had been just one publicly known 261-step large delayed palindrome – the number 1186060307891929990, discovered on November 30th, 2005 (and rediscovered on January 02nd, 2006) by the international group of mathematicians and programmers after many years of calculations.
On January 23rd, 2017 we announced the registration of 126 (one hundred and twenty six) record 261-step delayed palindromes discovered by us in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences under А281506.
On January 24th, 2017 we announced the registration of another 126 (one hundred and twenty six) record 261-step delayed palindromes discovered by us in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences under А281508. The last term of this sequence was the number 1999291987030606810 that we named “The Largest Presently Known Most Delayed Palindrome”.
The sequence of 108864 (one hundred and eight thousand eight hundred sixty four) 19-digit delayed palindromes discovered by us starts with А281506 and ends with А281508.
The number 1999291987030606810 registered in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences under А281509 remains the world record holder as “The Largest Presently Known Most Delayed Palindrome”.
We will publish the full list of discovered delayed palindromes in the near future.