Sequence of 19353600 record 288-step delayed palindromes published

Our sequence of 19353600 record 288-step delayed palindromes is published as A326414 .

The sequence starts with 12000700000025339936491 (the number discovered by Rob van Nobelen on April 26, 2019), ends with 29463993352000000700020 and contains all terms known at present.

Sequence of record 288-step delayed palindromes found

On 26 April 2019, Rob van Nobelen discovered the 23-digit number 12000700000025339936491 – the first one that takes record-breaking 288 steps to reach a final 142-digit palindrome. The previous record (261 steps) was set in 2005.

We expanded the found number to a sequence with 19353600 terms in total. This sequence currently includes all known 288-step delayed palindromes.

All results are contributed to OEIS and will be published in due course.

Complete sequence of 108864 261-step delayed palindromes published

As we announced before, on April 23rd, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 108864 (one hundred and eight thousand eight hundred sixty four) 19-digit delayed palindromes with 261-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome, each of which was independently tested and confirmed its properties. Continue reading

Our palindrome story aired on TV

Complete sequence of 430080 260-step delayed palindromes published

As we announced before, on April 22nd, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 430080 (four hundred and thirty thousand and eighty) 19-digit delayed palindromes with 260-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome, each of which was independently tested and confirmed its properties. Continue reading

Complete sequence of 1620000 259-step delayed palindromes published

As we announced before, on April 21st, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 1620000 (one million six hundred twenty thousands) 19-digit delayed palindromes with 259-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome, each of which was independently tested and confirmed its properties. Continue reading

108864 19-digit 261-step delayed palindromes found

On April 23nd, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 108864 (one hundred and eight thousand eight hundred sixty four) 19-digit delayed palindromes with record 261-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome. Continue reading

430080 19-digit 260-step delayed palindromes found

On April 22nd, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 430080 (four hundred and thirty thousand and eighty) 19-digit delayed palindromes with 260-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome. Continue reading

1620000 19-digit 259-step delayed palindromes found

On April 21st, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 1620000 (one million six hundred twenty thousands) 19-digit delayed palindromes with 259-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome. Continue reading

Results for large palindrome search and information on “The Largest Known Most Delayed Palindrome” appeared in Wikipedia

Our results for the large palindrome search and information on “The Largest Known Most Delayed Palindrome” appeared in Wikipedia in Lychrel Number article.

“The Largest Known Most Delayed Palindrome” included in OEIS as A281509

The number 1999291987030606810 found by us is officially included into OEIS as A281509 and named “The Largest Known Most Delayed Palindrome”. The 261-step trajectory of this number to a 119-digit palindrome is also published.

Sequence of 126 19-digit numbers turing into a palindrome after 261 steps included in OEIS as A281508

The discovered sequence of 126 19-digit numbers (all of them never reported before) that turn into a palindrom after 261 steps is officially included into OEIS as the sequence number A281508. The list of these numbers is also published. Continue reading

126 new 19-digit numbers turning into a palindrome after 261 iterations are found

January 25, 2017: Moscow, Russia

On January 18-21, 2017 our “1001 Palindrome Finder” using proprietary intellectual algorithm scanned the range of 19-digit numbers from about 1,999,290,300,000,000,000 to about 1,999,292,000,000,000,000 (spanning over 1.7 trillion numbers) and found 126 numbers turning into a 119-digit palindrome after 261 iterations. Continue reading

Trajectory of the last out of 126 discovered 19-digit numbers, turning into a palindrome after 261 steps, included in OEIS as A281507

The trajectory of the last out of 126 discovered by us 19-digit numbers, turning into a palindrome after 261 steps, is officially included in OEIS as A281507. The result after each of 261 steps is also published.

Sequence of 126 19-digit numbers turing into a palindrome after 261 steps included in OEIS as A281506

The discovered sequence of 126 19-digit numbers (125 of them never reported before) that turn into a palindrome after 261 steps is officially included into OEIS as the sequence number A281506. The list of these numbers is also published.