MacOS version of new “Chebyshev’s Bias Visualizer” released

We are releasing the MacOS version for the new “Chebyshev’s Bias Visualizer”. The new version has an improved user interface as well as a number of additional features like chart scrolling and zooming. For your convenience, the executable is released in .app as well as in .dmg versions.

Please, download it through the following link: cbv2_macos64_setup.

The version was tested for MacOS Catalina on a virtual machine only. 

Number of Cardan grilles

For my Cryptography classes I wrote a small application that calculates a total number of unique Cardan grilles and generates some of them. You can download it here (Windows 64 bit only!).

I also generated 262144 unique Cardan grilles for a 6×6 square. This is also available for download. Enjoy!

Coupon collector’s problem

For my Probability and Statistics classes I wrote a small application that solves a famous Coupon Collector’s Problem: “A breakfast cereal manufacturer offers a coupon hidden in each package of cereal, and there are K kinds of coupons altogether. The collector wants to have a complete collection of all K coupons. What is the probability P(N,K) that exactly N boxes of cereal will have to be purchased in order to obtain, for the first time, a complete collection of at least one of each of the K kinds of coupons?”

You can download our application here (Windows 64-bit only). The application uses bignum arithmetic and works for any  K and N . The solution was also separately confirmed by numerical simulation. Enjoy!

Linux version of new “Chebyshev’s Bias Visualizer” released

We are releasing the Linux version for the new “Chebyshev’s Bias Visualizer” (version 2.0).

Please, download it through the following link: cbv2_linux64_setup.

The version was tested for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04 and Gentoo Linux.

The version was tested for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04 and Gentoo Linux.

Modified Birthday Paradox

For my Probability and Statistics classes I wrote a small application that simulates a modified Birthday Paradox: “Given N people in the room, what is the probability that K days will be shared as birthdays (meaning each day is shared by 1, 2, 3, 4 or more pairs)?”

You can download our application here (Windows, Linux and MacOS 64-bit only). Enjoy!

New version of “Chebyshev’s Bias Visualizer” released

We are releasing the second version of “Chebyshev’s Bias Visualizer” – the application that allows to demonstrate the math phenomenon discovered over 165 years ago by a brilliant Russian mathematician Pafnuty L. Chebyshev and related to the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis.

The released version has an improved interface and a number of new features like chart scrolling and zooming.

You can download Windows 64-bit version through the following link: cbv_win64_setup

Versions for other platforms will be released later.

“Easy Rule 30” updated

Our “Easy Rule 30” was updated. You can download updated version through the following links:

Windows 64-bit version

Windows 32-bit version

Linux 64-bit version

MacOS 32/64-bit version

“Easy Rule 30” available for download

Our “Easy Rule 30” has become available for download.

Please, use the following links to download:

Windows 64-bit version

Windows 32-bit version

Linux 64-bit version

MacOS 32/64-bit version

Last Chebyshev’s bias data available in our repository

The last Chebyshev’s bias data became updated and available in our repository.

Number of steps in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes available for download

The data on the number of steps to reach one in Collatz sequence for Mersenne primes from the 1st to 45th (the last with confirmed index) became available for download from OEIS (A181777). The full sequence from the 1st to 49th Mersenne prime (the last known as of today) could be downloaded from our repository.

We continue to publish our results in due course.

Complete sequence of 108864 261-step delayed palindromes published

As we announced before, on April 23rd, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 108864 (one hundred and eight thousand eight hundred sixty four) 19-digit delayed palindromes with 261-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome, each of which was independently tested and confirmed its properties. Continue reading

Complete sequence of 1620000 259-step delayed palindromes published

As we announced before, on April 21st, 2017 our “1003 Palindrome Generator”, using proprietary theoretical algorithm, generated 1620000 (one million six hundred twenty thousands) 19-digit delayed palindromes with 259-step delay before achieving the 119-digit palindrome, each of which was independently tested and confirmed its properties. Continue reading

“3000 Collatz Tester” available for download

Our “3000 Collatz Tester” is available for download. Continue reading

“5000 Power Raiser Pro” available for download

Our “5000 Power Raiser Pro” is available for download. Continue reading

“1001 Palindrome Finder” available for download

Our “1001 Palindrome Finder” is available for download. Please, visit our Downloads page to try it!